About Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship Opportunities
What are the benefits of participating in Rotary Youth Exchange?
Travel to another country
Learn a new language
Experience another culture first-hand
Live with a host family
Gain confidence and maturity
Become more tolerance of other people, different cultures, and different personalities
Add your exchange experience to job and scholarship applications
Become part of a global personal contemporary network that is expanding over time and utilized for a lifetime
What are the countries with which exchanges are made?
80 countries participate around the world
Each country offers the potential for a great experience
Some countries are easier to establish an exchange than others
It is best to be very flexible in countries a student considers
What are the Qualifications and Requirements for Students?
Age 15-19 at time of departure.
Fill out appropriate application and submit to
What are the Qualifications and Requirements for Students?
Age 15-19 at time of departure.
Fill out appropriate application and submit to
a Rotary club member. -
Grades: Generally a student’s grade point average should be in the upper half of their class
Willingness to adapt to new situations
Initiative to get involved in activities
Willingness to speak to groups
Attitude of giving to others
Do I Need to Know a Foreign Language?
Ability to speak a foreign language is not required but students must be willing to learn a new language.

Since 1929 Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) has been a part of Rotary International and it continues to grow and change lives. It is one way that Rotary International promotes peace in the world. Currently, about 9,000 students study abroad on scholarship by Rotary clubs every year.
For the Long-Term exchange program, students are sent to another country for a year-long stay, in most cases living with multiple host families during their time abroad. Rotary Youth Exchange is intended to be both educational and cultural. The cultural part includes living with a host family and being expected to perform daily tasks within the household as well as attend school in the host country. The Long-Term exchange is valued at $20,000 which covers exchange arrangements, orientation, room, board, tuition, a monthly allowance and Rotary support. Expenses would be for the application fee, insurance, airfare, a Rotary blazer, and business cards. A supplemental scholarship from Rotary District 6150 could help pay these expenses.
Rotary Youth Exchange also offers a Short-Term exchange program (STEP) which involves direct student exchanges between two families arranged through Rotary to coincide with major school holiday periods. The Short Term exchange is valued at $2,000 covering exchange arrangement, orientation, room, board and Rotary support. Expenses would include the application fee, airfare, insurance, A Rotary windbreaker. A supplemental scholarship from Rotary District 6150 could help pay these expenses. Rotary District 6110 Youth Exchange is managed by a group of volunteers and supported by many volunteers at local Rotary Clubs. Rotary District 6150 encompasses central and northeast Arkansas and includes over 40 Rotary clubs and 2500 Rotarians.