The Long-Term Program
It is the goal of the District 6150 Youth Exchange Program that no qualified student be denied the opportunity to participate for financial reasons. In the Long-Term Program students spend from August or September until June or July and attend high school in a foreign country. Long-Term applicants are required to submit the names of three families willing to host a foreign student while the applicant is away. Please let us know if you have difficulty meeting this requirement.
It is the goal of the District 6150 Youth Exchange Program that no qualified student be denied the opportunity to participate for financial reasons. In the Long-Term Program students spend from August or September until June or July and attend high school in a foreign country. Long-Term applicants are required to submit the names of three families willing to host a foreign student while the applicant is away. Please let us know if you have difficulty meeting this requirement.
What is the cost?
For the long term exchange in 2024-25 the cost to the student will be $6,000 for the district exchange fee. Expense for passport & visa would be an additional cost. An additional amount of about $500 is needed for an emergency fund, the unused portion of which is refunded to the student upon return. The rest of the cost, about $20,000, is subsidized by the volunteer contributions of Rotary and others. The funds needed to pay the district fee or for spending money might be raised from family members, part time jobs, fund raisers, a corporate gift and/or from the Rotary Youth Exchange Supplemental Scholarship Fund. We can supply other fund raising ideas. The student does not need car insurance while on the exchange and may qualify for college credit after his/her return. Students receive a monthly allowance from the host Rotary club. The student may wish to have additional funds for optional tours in the host country.
Rotary District 6150’s Supplemental Scholarship Fund can help students with a with the exchange fee. Interested students should not let financial limitations keep them from applying. Rotary District 6150 Youth Exchange has allocated up to a total of $7,000 in the next exchange year to help qualifying student applicants pay the exchange fee.
Applicants for the Long-Term Program must apply online at . Information requested includes:
Long-Term Application information
Host Families for a Long-Term Inbound
Your Country Preferences.
A separate $250 interview fee is due at the time of district interviews, the first weekend in December. Checks should be made payable to Rotary District 6150 Youth Exchange.
Optional supplemental scholarship application information for financial assistance.
The district exchange fee of $6,000 may be paid in one lump sum or in monthly installments. All application information, except that for Host Families for Long-Term Inbounds , should be submitted by the deadline. The Host Families information may be submitted later, but a student will not be placed, if approved in the district interviews, until the form is received. Delay in submitting the form can mean that the student cannot be placed in one of his or her preferred countries.
If you need help with the application, please ask us for it using the Contact page on this website.
Rotary club members will interview student applicants and parents and submit their recommendation to Rotary District 6150. District 6150 will conduct additional interviews.
Important Dates
November 1, 2023
Long-Term Applications due
November 15, 2023
Club recommendation due to district
December 2, 2023
District Interviews
Location: To be determined
March 2, 2024
Outbound Orientation Location: To be determined
April ?, 2024
Rotary District 6150 Conference
Location: To be determined
Late June, 2024
Outbound camp for Long-Term
John Brown Univ, Siloam Springs, AR
August-September, 2024
Long-Term students leave for year abroad
June-July, 2025
Long-Term students return