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Want to be a Host Family?

What are the responsibilities of a host family?

To accept the exchange student as a new member of your family. The student will be governed not only by the rules of the program but by the rules of your household. You are responsible for the safety of the exchange student as you are for your own children. Hosting an exchange student challenges a host family to become familiar with another culture, while providing the opportunity to share a student’s hopes and ambitions. These challenges and opportunities promise to enrich the lives of every member of the family.


Responsibilities include:

  • Provide normal parental supervision and discipline

  • Treat as own child: family activities, normal expenses, discipline, chores, TLC

  • Room, board and lunch money

  • Transportation (Exchange students may not drive)

  • Explain and enforce household rules

  • Ensure exchange student adjusts to host family; not vice versa

  • Provide assistance and advice regarding school, financial matters (but do not give money), social situations, dating, homesickness, language and culture adaptation.

  • Introduce to "right" group in high

  • Provide exchange student his/her own bed and preferably own room

  • Expose exchange student to local/regional sights, culture, events

Hosting Period

Host families in the Long-Term exchange Rotary program typically host for about 4 months, so that a student would have 2 – 3 host families during his/her stay. The Rotary Club provides a monthly allowance to the Long-Term student that should take care of his/her personal expenses.

Rotary Counselor

The hosting Rotary club will appoint a Rotarian as

“counselor” for the student. The counselor will have regular contact with you and the student, will involve the student in Rotary Club meetings and activities, will help the student establish a checking account, and will serve as another adult figure available to assist the student and the host family.


Exchange students are told the Rotary rules at the beginning. One of the most important is that they are not permitted to drive a motor vehicle and that breaking this rule may result in termination and an early return home.


Rotary exchange students are required to have a specific health insurance and to bring evidence of insurance with them when they come.

First night questions

Over the years, Rotary Exchange Students have found it helpful to have a list of questions to go over with their host families, shortly after arriving. These lists of "First Night Questions" have been compiled over that time, and are offered for student and host family use worldwide.

More questions? Contact us.

As host family for a Rotary exchange student, you assume parental responsibility for this young ambassador from another country, to provide shelter and sustenance, guidance and counsel, and love and support to the child of strangers who may live thousands of miles from you. The student will have their own insurance and pocket money - you will offer room and board. We do not pay any stipend to host families. Rotary Clubs are always looking for potential host families. If you'd like to enrich your family's experience by hosting a Rotary exchange student, contact us or your local Rotary Club. And thanks so much for your interest!

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